• A Happening Candidate is a High School-aged young person who is attending the weekend for the very first time. Candidate registration closes on February 14th.

  • A Happening Team Member is a young person who has been a Candidate at a previous Happening. They work together to serve Candidates over the course of the weekend. Team members are required to attend the Team Meeting. Team applications close on January 31st.

  • A Happening Adult Candidate is an adult who is attending the weekend for the very first time. Candidate registration closes on February 14th.
    **ALL Adults must have an up to date satisfactory Background check and have completed the appropriate Safe Church Safe Communities training no later than February 21st.

  • A Happening Team Member is an adult who has been a Candidate at a previous Happening. They work together to serve Candidates over the course of the weekend. Team members are required to attend the Team Meeting. Adult Team applications close on January 31st.
    **ALL Adult Team members must have an up to date satisfactory Background check and have completed the appropriate Safe Church Safe Communities training no later than January 31st.


Event Fee Payments & Policies 12025.pdf

About The Attendee

Please answer the following questions.  When permitted, please do not answer, "On File" or "Already Answered" as this will put your application in an incomplete status.


Please read the following and sign by using your mouse or finger (depending on your device).  We also recommend that you download and print a copy for future reference.

Photo/Image Release

The Diocese of East Carolina takes photographs at all events.  As a result you/your young person may be photographed and appear in Diocesan publications, on the Diocesan website or Diocesan social media for publicity purposes. Some photographs may be identified by first name.   Below, please check YES if you are giving the Diocese permission to publish a photograph of you/your young person.  Please check NO if you do not want you/your young person’s photograph published.

Attendee Medical Insurance Information

Parents/Guardians are financially responsible for all costs incurred, regardless of whether medical insurance coverage information is provided. All medical forms are shredded following each youth event.



A signed waiver* by the attendee's parent/guardian will be required before you can download your QR code which indicates your registration is confirmed. A link to obtain waivers for all registrants will be shown on the confirmation page you will receive by email.

*as well as check payments



  • Visa
  • Mastercard
  • American Express
  • Discover
RegFox Event Registration Software